EV Energy Taskforce: Energising Our Electric Vehicle Transition - Phase One Report

The proposals set out in this report are the result of the engagement, cooperation and goodwill of hundreds of organisations, spanning electricity distribution and supply, transport, energy retailers and charge point operators, the automotive industry, investors, local authorities, data and tech companies, consumer advocacy organisations, equipment manufacturers, regulators and central and local government. Attention has been paid to international developments, prior research and the work of other related taskforces.

Three key priorities have emerged:

  1. The urgency of developing standards and codes of practice to enable interoperability and the sharing of data within the Electric Vehicle sector and with the electricity system.
  2. The need for effective local and national planning and coordination to enable efficient investment, mediating the balance between future-proofing and asset stranding.
  3. The criticality of smart charging; underpinned by a resilient network and clear market signals, to reduce the cost of supplying millions of EVs.

These three priorities run through the twenty-one proposals made by the Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce. Underpinning the proposals is a key defining principle: the EV transition is best served by always aligning with the best outcome for the consumer – typically the EV driver. The most important question used to test the proposals has always been “is this in the best interest of the EV driver?” Our belief is that if a positive experience cannot be provided to the EV driver, the potential development of this new market and its ability to contribute to our ‘Net Zero’ ambition will be compromised. This focus on the best customer outcome supports our determination to ensure the electricity system is not a blocker to the rapid EV uptake required to achieve ‘Net Zero’. We have also been concerned to boost innovation and participation, taken economic equity and social impact seriously and adopted a wholesystem view over both the long and the short term.

This report focuses on steps to remove potential barriers and reinforce actual enablers. It provides a focus on key issues and states when important questions have to be resolved. The proposals are not just for Government. Success will need collaboration and compromise from all stakeholders, both in the energy and the automotive sectors. We hope that the report will catalyse action: agreeing standards, establishing new governance mechanisms, testing new propositions, developing implementation pathways. Pathways that bring us closer to ‘Net Zero’, unleash the innovation we need, and have the consumer at their heart.

- Philip New, EV Energy Taskforce Chair